Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Yes, I Said TODAY Was My Due Date

Back at home from my doctor's appointment...and no I do not have a newborn in tow. The appointment went well, baby looks great and they are happy with everything. Still only one centimeter dilated - boo.

My blood pressure was a little bit high - I told her it was because I had read Kelli's response to my blog post about the membrane stripping hurting like a b*tch and so it was causing me to stress out. She took it again after the appointment and it was lower but she had me run some labs just in case (since I had elevated bp with Nikos.) As for the membrane stripping, well, no one can call Kelli a liar, that is for sure. No results yet but I am still hopeful. We set up an induction date for next Wednesday, if I am still pregnant I will go in Wednesday night for an induction starting at 7pm. Sound familiar? Last time I was induced with Nikos it was at 6pm. The good news is that I had him at 5 the next morning, so the whole thing was fairly quick.

After perusing the blog comments I am planning on a meal chock full of red meat. Of course, this is not entirely different from my regular meals since I also agree with Kelli on this one - I mean, bacon could quite possibly be the perfect food. I am also down with Sara's suggestion to try the Bloomin' Onion (Outback's version of Chili's Awesome Blossom.) Of course, since my (mean) brother-in-law just recently informed me that this fabulous menu item contains about 2700 calories, yes TWENTY SEVEN HUNDRED, that may not be the best idea. Too bad we can't find a babysitter so we can take a last minute trip to House of Prime Rib. I mean, we would take Nikos but I don't think they have macaroni and cheese or yogurt on the menu and I am sure they would NOT be thrilled when he showed his disdain for their creamed spinach and tossed it to the floor. Of course, the more I blog about this the more I want to go. Hmm, drop Nikos off at Jeff and Sarah's tonight? They do owe us two babysitting nights...

In other news, I am pretty happy with my weight gain. "They" tell you to gain between 25-35 lbs and I am right at 35, which is only one lb more than I gained with Nikos. Of course, when I stop and think about it, I think the last time I talked to Mel she said Maile was pushing 39lbs, so that basically means I am lugging around a kindergartener -- strapped to my belly. Great. Maybe I should not have polished off the ENTIRE giant cookie a la mode when I had lunch with Sarah today. But I DID hear that exact dessert has caused some women to go into labor.*

**Disclaimer, this could be a total fabrication I just made up on the spot to make myself feel better about eating the whole thing.


Anonymous said...

My trick lately is to always carry instant macaroni n cheese. The waiter just brings you boiling tea water and, voila! - or have the chef cook up some plain noodles, the kids add the butter, fun!

Nick, Jocelyn and Kevin said...

OK. Now I want House of Prime Rib. Yummmmm....

Bill and Cindy said...

Hey, if you lived out here close to me, I could babysit for you tonight. But then again, it would be too far to go to House of Prime Rib from here. So, never mind.

Sarah said...

I told Jeff last night, "I told Heather we'd babysit for them tomorrow night." And he said, "I know, I talked to her after I read her blog." It's a whole new world.

Amy G. said...

Last night at pre-natal yoga the instructor (who is also a doula) suggested to a woman just past her due date to drink a glass of red wine and take a bath to help things along... and are you doing your squats?? Sending positive, pain free thoughts your way...and mine!

Vernie said...

Um, you said you were supposed to eat a bunch of red meat and you thought bacon was perfect? I pretty sure pork is white meat. Also be sure you don't eat any eggs, after all you're lactose intolerant. DORK!