Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Monkey'ing Around

On Saturday we hit up the zoo again (when I buy a season pass to someplace I do not mess around.) There will be no pictures of Olive in this post, she was sleeping so we left her in the car. Ha, hang up with Social Services, she was really in the pouch.

Nikos practices his intimidating face on the way to the zoo.

First up we hit the train for a ride around the park. It was surprisingly anti-climatic. You don't really get to see any of the real animals (there are a bunch of fake ones scattered along the track) but I have to be honest, I was expecting more. I put the train time to good use and took pictures of Nikos and the view of the city of Oakland. As you can see, he is sporting his Taki face (no expression) which obviously means he found the train ride super exciting.

Nikos checks out the snake in the Children's Zoo. Don't worry, it's fake.

When we were watching the otters I stepped back to take some photos and all of a sudden Nikos was surrounded by an Asian family. He didn't seem to be fazed at all that we ditched him. Apparently hanging out with a group of strangers is fine...just as long as they don't get their cameras out and try to take a picture of him in a group photo. Mel, does this give you flashbacks of when Mom and Aunt Connie left you at the NJ shore? Hee hee.

The monkeys (spider monkeys?) put on a good show for us, swinging around the trees and displaying some cool aerobatics.

When we got home Nikos' monkey explored some new terrain as well...like Olive's bouncy chair.
Don't worry, no monkeys were hurt during the taking of this picture.

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