Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Trying On Different Hats

Sunday morning found us out on the back deck watching the firemen practice in the street (the sacrifices I make to keep my son entertained, really I am Super Mom.) Anyway, inevitably one of the firemen asks Nikos if he would like a fire helmet, which of course, he would. Good thing they have so many different teams running through here for training/practice that they don't realize that with the helmets we have accumulated we could set up a shop on ebay.

Nikos is a big fan of wearing the hat backwards, which I told him will probably impede him being any real help in a fire fight. The fireman assured us that it was okay, that was how all of the kids in monkey pajamas were wearing them today. Phew!

After my delicious french toast breakfast (although I didn't make the bread like Jeff would have I did re-purpose a french baguette and a pumpkin loaf from Acme and they were fabulous!) Nikos tried out baby sister's crib. Hmm, what do they say in the parenting books about this? Good idea? Bad idea? He sat in it and used his blanket and her Boppy (or bop as he calls it) as a pillow to pretend to go night-night. Lastly, he had monkey try on the hats that Aunt Melanie made for her to wear home from the hospital.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute - can't wait to see some pics of him with his baby sister :) We'll be thinking of you tomorrow!