Sunday, March 15, 2009

Olive's First Few Days

Here's a few more cute pics of our new addition.

Cuddle time with Daddy at the hospital.

Olive meets the cousins.

Maile explaining to Kiwi that she is no longer the baby.

Comparison shot of Maile and Nikos - I think he was about 3.5 weeks here.

Vernie and Melanie considering a fourth... (ha.)

Meeting Nikos for the first time.

Nikos brings Olive her own monkey (she brought him a train.)

Nikos welcoming Olive home.

Here he was rocking her in her carseat.

Marco stops by to congratulate Nikos. This hug followed the Bros before Hos speech that Nikos gave Marco where Marco promised to never hook up with Olive.

We were fortunate enough to have several friends stop by yesterday to meet Olive and to drop off Welcome Home meals. Here Taki and I enjoy the delicious D'Angelo dinner of chicken parm and asparagus salad, followed by chocolate raspberry truffle eggs. Hmm, it is quite possible that the pounds may not be dropping me off me this time. Ha!

And speaking of weight, Taki and I figured out that when I entered the hospital on Wednesday tipping the scales at 163 I was EIGHT pounds heavier than Taki was when he graduated high school and, are you ready for this??...SIXTY FIVE POUNDS more than I was when I graduated high school. Ha!

Last night went well (sleep-wise) so my goal for today was to go out to brunch at Jimmy Beans! I won't mention what time we started getting ready for the walk over there, but we did finally make it in around 11:30. Love it! We were able to snag the corner table and enjoy a stress-free breakfast with two kids. Yeah, I figure we need to take advantage of it while we can. So far she is doing a great job of just chilling in the pouch, I am going to try and catch a movie with her in it sometime this week and see how that goes.

Day 5 - breakfast at Jimmy's.

When I get a chance I'll post some comparison shots of the two kids. Crazy how different they look. It's funny, we were all so shocked that she came out so dark and Mediterranean looking, of course, we were more shocked when Nikos came out the opposite. I think in the last 21 months we have gotten so used to Nikos' looks that we thought she would be similar. Her hair is thicker than his is but they do appear to have the same nose and mouth, and the direction that the hair grows in is similar as well. Now I just have to dig up a picture of Taki as a child (he had hair like Niko's) to prove that he is, in fact, the father of both children as right now it is looking a little shady.


The Press Family said...

Well, I'm a little late but Congratulations!! She's beautiful and I can't believe ALL that hair! Holy moly! I hope you're feeling well after your c/s. Very fast delivery! Yikes! Oh, and the pic in my head of you traveling down the hospital hall pretty much naked...oh boy. All I could think was "please, don't let that happen to me.". You're too funny. Nice meals you're getting there, too! Asparagus salad and truffle somethings for dessert? Jeez...I'd bring over some KFC if I lived closer...wouldn't compare, I'm sure. Oh, and FYI, you had to look up travertine...I had to ask my mom what loquacity was! Hellllllo, word lover! I thought I was pretty smart but you pulled out Heather-thesaurus. Guess the meds aren't fogging up your brain too badly!
Novel, sorry! Love all the new pics! Keep 'em coming!

Woods Family said...

Thank you for the name update! I FOR SURE thought the middle name was a last name somewhere in the family! Cannot believe the true name - then again - I so can - it is SO YOU to do something wild like that - I so appreciate it! She certainly does look like an Olive - glad you brought that other list :) You and Melanie have the same profile! GOOD for you for being out and about so early! Next question - if you could do it all over again - which would you choose(if you could) - vaginal or c-section?

Romios Family said...

Gina, I would DEFINITELY choose to do a regular delivery if I had the choice. With Nikos I had like no recovery time at the end, very smooth (unlike your story!) so that helped. Of course, he was only 5.4 so maybe it would have been a different story with a 7.1 baby. Of course, given both situations regular delivery = baby in NICU for 8 days and emergency c-section = baby comes home with me...I may choose c-section. :)

Sarah said...

Who cares about all that, I think it's awesome that I weighed less than you for once in my life! Yes! (When I recount this story, you being 9+ months pregnant will be left out.)