Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Blog Slacker

OMG! Sorry I am such a blog slacker. I have lost the cord that connects the camera to the computer so I can't download any pictures. I am on a mission to find it right now. I mean, it couldn't possibly be lost because this house looks like a tornado hit it...right? Ha. I knew I was in blog trouble when I was talking to my mom this morning on the phone and she mentioned that "Katie already updated her blog with the St. Patrick's Day party photos...last night, after the party." Damn that Katie for making me look bad! In terms of full disclosure, she also made me look bad last night when it was time to put the kids in pajamas and Brooke had hers on and I realized I hadn't packed any for Nikos. Ha! Already second fiddle, poor kid. Luckily Marco is the same size so he just borrowed a pair of his. Okay, okay, another disclaimer, Marco actually gave them to Niko to take home because he outgrew them but they still fit Niko. Hee hee!

Anyway, in order to satisfy the masses here is a picture I took with my new iPhone. Push Present you say? (Or I guess Incision Present would be the more accurate title.) Nope, bought it for myself with a little help from Christian and Gail so we could scam AT&T and get it for me before my contract was up in November. Hope no one from AT&T/Apple reads this blog.

Here is Olive after a visit from Papouli. He placed a quarter in her hand "to make her strong" and a c-note in her other hand. Not sure what that one does except make her parents happy. I her college education. Of course, looking at daycare costs for two it may be helping fund her daycare education so she can get to college.

I have to go give Taki the Heimlich since I just said "How can you not want to have a third when our kids are sooo cute?" and he started choking on his Reese's Peanut Butter Egg. I'll post more later about how we are doing and what we have been up to.


Anonymous said...

3 is definetely in your future!!

Sarah said...

As if Taki has any say in his life. Play him like a fiddle!

D'Angelo Family said...

Go for 3! And just for the record, I may have brought pj's, but your kids both went to sleep so you could eat!

gina said...

She is too cute. I think she's ALL HEATHER. I can't wait to meet her...but I'm waiting for her little gift to arrive first. (can't invite myself over w/out a gift!!!) Seems like everything is going very well over there!

Alina said...

i can't get over how cute she is! so adorable. Keep the pics coming - hope you find the cord soon!