Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Photo Diary of Happiness...and a Tantrum

I broke out the new camera and started reading the manual in anticipation of the fact that I will eventually go into labor and have a new baby who will need to be photographed. Wow, I am really excited about this camera but also completely overwhelmed by it. I won't mention how long it took me (and by me I mean Taki) to figure out how to get the Viewfinder to display the image I was viewing. Have no fear, I have signed up for a photography class at the Berkeley Adult School right down the street, so hopefully that will help.

I was out in the Antioch area having lunch with Gail yesterday, so I decided to stop by Mel's and use Kiwi as my test subject. She did a great job looking cute for the camera! Please excuse my lack of composition, centering, etc.

Later at home I tried to replicate the photo shoot with Nikos. Let's just say it did not go quite the same way. Figures.

Geez, you would think I just told him he had only two more days of being an only child.

Luckily, Daddy and some juice helped the situation.


Anonymous said...

You should of given him a pepper... that would of made him smile!

Sarah said...

It does look great. Kira is sellin it.

Sarah said...

ps. Niko may be in luck. At this rate, Kaiser may tell you they're too busy to induce you.

The Roberts Family said...

um, just don't tell him that it is "watered-down" juice :) He might catch on!