Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Hunt is On!

A tooth has been spotted! I am now on a mission for photographic evidence.

Did I succeed? You decide. I'm still not sure if that is a itty bitty tooth (on the bottom) or banana remains.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Eve HiJinks

Here are the kids in their Halloween-eve apparel. First up - a little light reading.

I mean, the brotherly concern here is heart-rendering, am I right?

For the record, one of the other daycare moms told me today that the other day when she was dropping her son off Olive started crying and she heard Nikos say "don't cry All-iff" and then run and get her pacifier for her. So he obviously does care...sometimes.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Anyone Have a Paper Bag for My Head?

I realized that since I have been back to work I have been remiss in sharing embarrassing stories about myself. Being the good natured self-deprecating blogger that I am, I thought I would share my latest foible.

Work has been crazy lately. We are naturally busy and deadline-driven during this time of year, updating all of our quarter-end materials. To top it off one of the girls in our department is out on maternity leave and another just got back and is still getting back up to speed on everything. (Okay, in terms of full disclosure - the second girl is me.)

To top it off, with both kids alternating being sick at home we haven't been getting as much sleep as usual since they have been coughing themselves awake at night. Fun stuff. So basically, I'm exhausted.

An-y-way...last week I get to work and decide that I really need a Starbucks to get started. The other girls in the department already had their coffee so I headed across the street on my own. As I am waiting in line I see an IT guy I work with. I'll call him "Santa" because...well...he looks like Santa. Granted, a slimmer version of the Claus but the moniker still suits him nonetheless. Or maybe Kenny Rogers would be more accurate? Regardless, you get my gist. I wave hello at him from across the way, a little bit thankful that he is not closer because than I would need to dodge the fact that I always forget his name. You know the game I mean "Hey YOU!" "How are YOU doing?" Okay, back to my story. I wave hello to Santa/Kenny and notice he is talking to someone else in line who is blocked from my vision by a giant cardboard cutout advertisement for Via. I continue to wait in line, wrestling with my routine decision of "should I get a peppermint mocha (= more caffeine + more calories) or a chai (can make it at home.)" From behind the VIA pops out my friend Luis - and I am using the word friend the casual, work sense. As in, I run into him in the kitchen and we chat about how it sucks that the company is no longer supplementing the vending machines so we now have to pay more than a quarter for our snacks. That's pretty much where our friendship ends. So, back to Starbucks. As I mentioned, I was exhausted and obviously since I am in line I hadn't had my caffeine yet. I am talking to Luis and leaning slightly backwards on my boots when I suddenly start to lose my balance. I then over exaggerate and lurch forward to grab onto Luis for stability AND he thinks I am going in for a hug. A HUG PEOPLE! The whole thing ended up ridiculously awkward where we sort of half hugged and half chest bumped. Thank goodness Santa Kenny's coffee order was ready and they had to leave. Yes, so now I am basically creeping around our floor trying not to run into him. I mean, do I now have to hug him every time we run into each other out of the office? Fab.

Our Lil Moneymakers

In my latest get-rich scheme, I have entered the kids into the Gap Casting Call contest! I mean, at the very least it would be great to get some free clothes at Gap!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Countdown to Halloween

On Saturday we headed up to Suisun with my parents, the Roberts family, Taki's mom, and the Knights to ride a train out to a pumpkin patch.

This year's lineup - Kira as Tinkerbell, Olive as Eeyore, Maile as Wendy, Mason as Peter Pan and Nikos as Donald Duck.

The cast of Peter Pan is wary of the new addition (Brayden Knight) while Donald looks comatose.

On the train on the way to the pumpkins.
The kids talk Grammy into investigating the tunnels under the giant hay bales.

They then crawled out a teeny hole and made poor Grammy follow.

Having fun with the hay.

Mason as Donald in 2007 (he was almost 2.)

For fun, here's Nikos wearing the same costume in 2007 (she's 7.5 months, he was 4.5.)

Donald takes a breather.

Uh oh. The Duck spots a bouncy house and gets his tail feathers in a bunch trying to get over there. Once he arrives in front of the jumpy house he demands I "take his Donald off."

After the hay bales and the bumpy house we went on a hayride.

Olive and Taki stayed behind and relaxed.

Love the serious look on his face in this one.

And we end the day with...

Olive sleeping...

Brayden dancing...
Kira eating...

Happy almost Halloween!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Go Birds!

Olive. 10.26.09 Seven and a half months

Nikos. 10.21.07 Three and a half months.

Friday, October 23, 2009


Wahoo. Olive is all over the blogosphere.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Different Kind of Phever!

I would like to tell you that no Phanatics were hurt two seconds after this picture was taken - but that would be a lie. A phanatic may have been batted to the ground. Go Phillies!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sick As A Dog - At Least He Can Still Stay

So I owe you guys an update. Poor Nikos is still sick. So far it seems like we are dodging the big bad flu. Taki stayed home with Niko on Monday and Grammy saved the day today. Luckily O is dodging it so far - fingers crossed it will stay that way! Back to the bed...he has slept through both nights and asked us to come get him out in the morning. Wahoo! At 3:12 this morning he started crying and calling for Dada, Taki went in to find him sitting on the pillows outside his bed, poor kid had fallen out! Luckily as soon as Taki popped him back into his bed he was fine.

My mom was the lucky one to attempt the first nap in the big boy bed. She sat next to him and read him a few books and he napped for two hours (well, with a small break for a drink of milk.) Let's hope it continues!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Is This The End Of Naps As We Know Them?

Whenever we get Nikos' hair cut, we illegally park in the Trader Joe's parking lot and hope no one notices for the 15 minutes or so that we are there. So far, so good. Saturday I decided to combine our errands and actually shop at Trader Joe's prior to the cut. Here's Nikos with the yellow balloon he asked the cashier for...I was thrilled when he asked "please" for the balloon and then thanked the cashier after he gave it to him. Other highlights from the trip include me getting him to sing "Spill the wine, take that girl!" while shopping (after which he told me "mama this is a good song.")

Poor Nikos has had a cough for a few weeks and on Saturday he developed a fever. At 1am Sunday morning he starts screaming and crying and he feels like he is on fire. His temperature came up at 101.9. I hardly ever call Kaiser when he's sick but with all the H1N1 flu deaths lately I got a little freaked out. Luckily, after calling the doctor they said he may have the flu, but not the big bad one. Of course, this cancels our plans for Sunday when we were supposed to go to the Cupcake Tasteoff. Booo. What did we do Sunday instead?

Nikos continued his potty training (2x in the potty on Sunday) and he made sure other household members took up the training as well.

Before you get the wrong idea and think we are WT, the diaper laying on the ground in the background is not Niko's (or Olive's) but in fact was on Brobee (fans of Yo Gabba Gabba will know who I am talking about.) Brobee was Niko's first potty training victim, but once he realized Brobee's legs wouldn't bend (effectively rendering him un-trainable since he couldn't sit on the toilet) he found a new pupil.

Since we were spending most of the day home bound, I decided it would be the perfect time to promote Nikos to his big boy bed. In order to avoid spending any money I decided we should swap the kids cribs (since Olive's converted to a toddler bed and Niko's didn't.) So I moved Olive into Niko's crib, popped the the side off hr crib, and presto! big boy bed.

Climbing in. (He didn't really need to use the stool but he wanted to.)

Checking out the bed.

He asked us when we were going to "close it." Ha.

Snug as a bug.

So we are three hours in and he is still in the crib. We put some pillows on the ground right outside his crib, hopefully he won't need them. I'm anxious to see how things work in the morning, I'm hoping he is like Mason and thinks that he still needs to call us to get out of bed. Ha!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Bon Appetit!

Can I interest you in some sweet potatoes?