Monday, March 23, 2009

Can You Please Stop Talking Now

Well, we knew this day would come, I just wasn't prepared for it to be here so soon.

Friday we took Nikos and Olive up to Habitot to burn off some energy...well, for Nikos to burn off some energy, Olive just slept in her pouch the whole time. More photos on this to follow. After an hour or so at Habitot we walked down the street to enjoy a leisurely lunch out on the sunny back patio at Jupiter. Can you say daytime drinking and pizza? Yum. Anyway, back to the point of my story. I am chattering away to Taki and Nikos, obviously talking about something really important (Olive is still sleeping) and Nikos looks at me, puts his finger up to his mouth and shushes me! Yes, he shushed me! Then to top it off, he turns to Taki and high fives him! What?! What is this world coming to when you get shushed by your own 21 month old? When I left a message on Mel and Vernie's answering machine reliving this little ditty Vernie later told me that Nikos was his new favorite kid. (For those keeping track, his last favorite kid was in 2001, when the six year old on the ski lift asked me if I could "please stop talking now".)

Here are some pictures from our day, before I was told to shut up.

I know, I know, you have seen this same picture like 50 times. I just love the raised eyebrow!

How Olive spent her Habitot/Jupiter outing (view from above.)

Sharing eggs with Daddy in the farm section of Habitot.

Trying on the pig hat to make Mommy happy.

Enjoying the farm porch swing.

I guess being a morning at Habitot followed by lunch at Jupiter is exhausting. Despite the fact that he started his nap an hour and a half late, he slept for four hours!

Friday night after Habitot we had the D'Angelo's over for a little EBHH and dinner. Oh and to show them how easy it is to have two kids. Hee hee!

This isn't a great picture, but I had to include it because look how big these two look! Please concentrate on that and not what a wreck the house is. :)

Some fun shots with the new camera. Gotta love Brooke's eyes in the first one!

Katie and I are always joking about how Nikos is very chill and Brooke is very active. I think this series of photos captures it perfectly, ha, makes me giggle!


D'Angelo Family said...

OMG - my kid cannot sit still. This is why I just have one still.

Alina said...

That is too funny that he shushed you. I can't believe how many places little Miss Olive has been to in her short life! :)

Hap and Sue said...

Hmm ... Sounds like maybe he had some coaching on the shushing since it ended with a high five to Daddy!!