Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Two Month Cousin Comparison

As you know, Olive was lucky enough to receive a lot of hand-me-down clothes from her cousins, Maile and Kira, as well as from other friends (she is debuting a Makenzie-Sadie hand-me-down in her Opa Taki 2 Month pic.) And if you weren't convinced already about how much of a dork I am, this will solidify it.

Olive at 2 Months - followed by Kira at 2 Months

Mel has a display of Kira's monthly pictures above her changing table so I decided that, since we basically will have all the clothes, I should take Olive's picture in the same outfit that Kiwi is wearing, for fun comparison-sake. Of course, we may be a little off seasonally here - for instance, this long sleeve warm outfit was perfect for Kira in January, but a little warm for Olive in May. Luckily I only made her wear it long enough for me to snap a picture. DORK! I know.

And had to add this pic after Sarah's comment. This is Marco in the boy version at 2 Months!

Tune in tomorrow for Olive's 2 month stats...any guesses on weight?? She was 8.1 at her 3 week appointment. I'll also put up some photos of her first haircut that is planned for tonight. She has a little tail that is driving me insane, and I don't want anyone in Chicago to make fun of her for being some sort of Berkeley hippie.


Sarah said...

Marco wore the boy version at two months! Check it...

Romios Family said...

Great, this only serves to remind me that O is two months old and I am NOT on a workout plan. Damn.