Saturday, May 2, 2009

Margarita or Mojito - the Ultimate Quandry

Last week, as part of Operation SB2 (which even I will admit has gotten off to a somewhat rocky start), Olive and I walked over to Bay Street in Emeryville on a fabulously sunny afternoon. For those unfamiliar with the area, I walked from my house down to the bay (about a half mile) and then along the water to the edge of Emeryville. When I reached Chevy's I waffled, should I park us on the outdoor patio and enjoy a cadillac margarita or should I keep going? Deciding that my craving for pizza was stronger than my craving for flautas I pressed onward. I continued inland to Bay Street (an outdoor shopping mall) and Olive and I took up residence on the outdoor patio at CPK. I toasted Kelli with a mojito (I know she and Connor frequent the Marina del Rey CPK on occasion.)

For her part, Olive seemed to LOVE the patio.

After we (well one of us anyway) enjoyed a coconut mojito and a salad, we headed back home, cutting through Aquatic Park. Round trip mileage = seven miles. Uh huh.

This week on practically the windiest day ever, Olive and I walked up to pick Nikos up from daycare. On the way back home I kept getting strangers giving me the chuckle so I finally stopped the stroller to get a glimpse of Nikos aka Ritzmonger.

Speaking of Ritz, Melanie made so much fun of me at Mason's carnival when Nikos was in the jumpy house and I tried to coax him out by saying "Nikos, I have Ritz. Ritz!"

And here's little Olive during our walk.

Not asleep! I bet you thought she was going to be asleep in that picture. Nope. This is no one-trick pony. In fact, she had just finished pitching a eight block SCREAMING fit. Not always the little angel. I did get a lot of confused looks from strangers that couldn't figure out where the wailing was coming from (I'll have to post a picture of the stroller so you can appreciate this. It is not readily apparent that there are two children in it.) Round trip mileage = four miles.


The Roberts Family said...

Yay! Her hat still fits!

The Roberts Family said...

I thought you were gonna get pizza?!

The Press Family said...

Yay!! WTG on operation SB! I'll use you as inspiration in about 5 months! Oh, and I love the Mojito pic...for me it would have been a Rita, but any booze pics will do. Yum! Olive looks just like you! She's getting so big and Nikos looks HUGE in that stroller! Big boy already! And whats the deal? No pics of fab new hair???