Drumroll please...here are the stats from Olive's 2 month (and 3 day) appointment today.
Weight: 10lbs 5oz or 33rd% (2lb 4oz gain from 3 week appt)
Height: 22.5 inches or 52nd% (1.5 inch gain from 3 week appt)
Head: 15 inches or 30th% (down from 46th% at 3 week appt!)
As my mom commented after hearing her stats,"wow, we don't have another shorty-bighead!"
Here's the requisite screaming shot on the scale. Obviously Nikos gave her a heads up on what to do.
Nikos' stats at 2 Months:
Weight: 8lbs 14oz (2lb 15oz gain from 3 week appt)
Height: 20.75 inches (.75 inch gain from 3 week appt)
Head: 15 inches
While we waited for her shots I took this cute video.
I tried to show her that the shots were no big deal by getting my whooping cough shot first (one of the advantages of going to one of the small Kaiser facilities, they just brought my shot into the room when they brought hers!) Apparently my ploy worked, the poor thing was lulled into a false sense of security and didn't start wailing until after the first of her three shots.
And I had to include this pic from this morning after her bath - don't you think she totally looks like Kayla here?? Right after her bath her hair is always curly and it totally reminds me of Kayla's. Anxious to see how it will be in the humidity when we go to PA/FL this summer!
I love Olive's hair, straight or curly! You bring up a good point about humidity affecting it -- remember how Niko's ringlets first appeared in Aruba?
the tight curls are killing me! Have so much fun in Chicago! How'd the "haircut" go???
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