Monday, February 23, 2009

Zoo Fun

Katie and I are on a mission to try and better plan our weekends so that the kids are able to get out and have fun. This week Katie suggested we take them to Oakland Zoo - great idea since we had never been with them! - so the six of us headed over on Saturday morning (and by morning I totally mean late morning.) I ended up buying a yearly pass in a moment of wisdom - or should I say in a moment of panic when I tried to figure out what I will do alone on Fridays with two kids until the beginning of August. Yes, this is where my stay-at-home mom friends can insert their laughter since I am panicking about the ONE day a week I will have the two kids home with me. How do people do it?

It's funny, Taki and I usually go to the Oakland Zoo once a year for their annual Walk in the Wild charity event (which is the BOMB) where we pour beer at the Bison Brewing booth. The event is an adults-only affair at night, where you have free rein to walk around the zoo and enjoy the animals, as well as the vendors offering free beer, wine and food. Love it! So, basically this was my first visit to the zoo in awhile in the daylight and without a glass of beer in my hand. I have got to say, although the daylight was appreciated I kind of missed the beer. Details!

Sadly, I think my OMG I am going to have two kids in the next few weeks caused me to forget I had a camera with me, so here are the few shots I managed to take.

Enjoying the new Children's Zoo...

And my one live animal shot, lest you think we spent all of our time in the Children's Zoo and didn't see any of the other animals.

Nikos was very excited about seeing giraffes at the zoo. On the entire drive over he kept saying, "raffe, raffe!" He also really liked watching the monkeys swing from the trees and scamper around their area. He was less enthralled with the goat in the petting zoo "Do you want to pet the goat?" "No, no no!" Good thing we didn't run into any rocking horses at the zoo or the poor child would have climbed over my back to get away from them. Next time I'll make sure to take more pictures!

1 comment:

Sara said...

you're right -- no sympathy! ;) but it will be great to have the bonding time with the new baby! and the zoo pass will definitely come in handy!