Tuesday, February 10, 2009

3 Weeks and 1 Day To Go or Its Not Over Until the Fat Lady Kicks a Toddler

Well, today was decidedly less productive than yesterday. I dropped Nikos off at daycare (for those of you wondering how I was planning on getting so much stuff crossed off my list with him at home!) and headed up to Goodwill with a drop-off. Of course I missed the turn because I was on the phone with Mel and then when I finally turned around and made my way back to the place I found out it wasn't open yet. Next up was Orchard Supply Hardware which took a disappointing turn when the guy in plumbing told me that the part I wanted to replace wasn't broken at all so I was going to have to take apart the sink to find out which part was broken. Yeah, that is going to happen. They didn't have the part I needed for the tub so I figured on a return trip to Home Depot later on in the day.

Back at home and with a Costco blueberry muffin under my belt, I ran a few more largely unsuccessful errands - with the exception of signing up for a preschool tour for Nikos. Sadly, this wasn't on my list so I couldn't check off the box. I also completed a successful Goodwill run and even remembered to get the receipt. Go Heather! I went back to Home Depot where the plumbing guy told me that the part that I had in my hand did not match the broken piece that I had brought from home (snug in a Ziplock Snack Bag) so I was going to have to crawl under the house to fix the drain. He suggested I hire a plumber. Whatever. I chose to ignore him and bought the replacement piece anyway. I am sure this is going to go well when I try to install it later on tonight. And you know what? If by some small miracle it works, I am going to go back to that Home Depot survey and fill out another scathing report on how they are incompetent - well, minus Jamil West.

On a fun note, while I was at IKEA I heard a little girl say to her mommy "wow Mommy, look at that fat lady!" I turned around to share a knowing smile with the mom and to get a glimpse of this fat lady. Right, can you guess where this is going? I was the fat lady! I told the little girl that it was mean to call someone fat and besides that I was having twins. Ha.

In noting the fact that I am three weeks and one day away from my due date I realized that my only big accomplishment for today was that I did NOT go into labor, since this is the day that they induced me with Nikos (see lovely picture below.)

Here's to at least three more weeks of pregnancy and days that are more productive than today! Now, I am off to pack the hospital bag...you know, just in case.


Sara said...

okay, I feel better now knowing that Nikos was in daycare during your productive day yesterday!!

Unknown said...

Brava for making it longer with this one! Are you doing preschool next year?

Romios Family said...

The plan is to enter preschool (if we get into one of the ones we like) around September. Of course, we'll see if that works out! :)