Monday, February 23, 2009

Green Hills Circle Bed and Breakfast

Saturday night Mel and I crashed my parents house for a sleepover with all of the kids. We started out with a spaghetti dinner to celebrate Mardi Gras (complete with Mardi Gras beads and cupcakes - one of which included the hidden baby.) Vernie and my dad then took off to Vernie's house for a poker game (hence the reason for the sleepover) and the kids wreaked havoc on the Kienzle house. It was a lot of fun! Again, I seemed to take no pictures but here is a fun video of the kids playing Elefun - basically a game where butterflies fly out of the elephant's trunk and you try to catch them in your net. They all had a blast. Warning - you may want to turn your speakers down to help block out the piercing screams.

After the kids went to bed Mel, mom and I stayed up playing Scotland Yard (board game) and laughing. One of us laughed so hard she pee'd her pants a little bit, I would tell you who but I don't want to put her on the spot. Alright, alright, it was me. And my mom and Melanie were so mean they didn't stop plotting to try and catch me (I was Mr. X in the game) even when I told them that maybe I didn't pee my pants, maybe my water broke. Nice family I have. I would have included a picture in here of when my mom was Mr. X but since we beat her in TWO MOVES I really didn't have time to take the picture. Ha! Can't believe she is the wife of a trained investigator!

Sunday morning started out bright and early for me since Nikos decided to get up at 6am and not go back to sleep. At home I would have let him chill for a little while in his crib but since we were sharing the room with Mel and Kira I thought that would not have been the best move since he was chattering away like a little monkey. We headed downstairs to play with some toys and read some books and I contemplated how early was too early to head for Starbucks. Thank goodness Maile came down at 6:45 - perhaps she woke up when she heard him crying after I accidentally let him fall off the couch?? - and entertained him until the rest of the house started getting up a little after 7!

For breakfast my dad treated us to Egg McBillys and potatoes and my mom made us monkey cake. Love this bed and breakfast! We then stayed around their house ALL DAY letting them wait on us hand and foot. First we felt bad for monopolizing their whole weekend but than we realized that they are retired so really, what is a weekend to them when they have the whole week off? Mel and I put the youngest kids down for a nap and played the board game Sequence with my dad. Since we are nice daughters we let him win a bunch of times.

Thanks again to Grammy and Pop-Pop for putting up with two kids and four grandkids for the weekend!

PS - Poor Taki stayed home to "work" on the house and yard this weekend. While he did get a lot of stuff done he also slept in until 10:30 on Sunday, so don't feel too sorry for him!

1 comment:

gina said...

Ok, I know i've told you this before, but you should really consider writing a book - you are too entertaining!!!! p.s. Glad the version or inversion or whatever it's called WORKED...I heard they are painful! ouch!
p.s.s. I was just at Chez Parents down in the OC for the week so I could totally relate to this post!