Thursday, February 19, 2009

Mission Accomplished

Wahoo! Taki, Mel and I went in to my appointment for the Version this morning at 10am. First they hooked me up to an ultrasound machine to check to see if the baby had flipped on her own (unfortunately no) and to check my fluid levels. Lot of fluid, which is good when they are trying to flip the baby. Next up was me sitting with a monitor on for about a half hour to make sure the baby and I were both good to go for the procedure. After we got the all clear I headed back out to the waiting room to meet up with Mel and Taki and to wait for the Procedure Room to open up so that the perinatalogist could attempt to flip the baby.

As you can imagine, when I got out to the waiting room, Taki was talking Mel's ear off (ha.) We waited and waited and waited. Since I was instructed to fast since midnight the night before (couldn't even have water) I was STARVING. I passed some of the time talking about where we were going to go eat afterwards (somewhere that still served breakfast - obviously.) Next they let the three of us into the Procedure Room where the nurse first tried to tell me that I could only have one person with me because there wasn't that much space in the room. What?? While prepping me and waiting for the doctor I mentioned that Mel was an L&D nurse and that seemed to help convince the nurse that Mel could stay in the room. (We decided later that the reason that they only let one person in at a time was that they only have one chair and they were afraid a squeamish person might pass out onto the floor.) Anyway, the nurse gave me a shot to help relax the uterus (sorry TMI) and the doctor arrived and explained the procedure and exactly what he would be doing. I asked what would happen in case of an emergency and he said they would just rush me through the halls on the gurney to L&D (next building over) for a c-section. Another nurse piped in that they have never had to do that in 20 something years. Just to be sure (and since thanks to Taki's eye we are all to familiar with surgeons that "have never had that happen to them in 20 years") Taki asked if they practiced rushing through the hall to get someone to L&D. Luckily, they had, since they sometimes have to rush patients over for other reasons.

With that settled, the doctor placed his hands on my belly (which was covered in that disgusting goopy gel) and turned the baby to a head down position. It seriously took maybe 15 seconds and didn't hurt at all! I couldn't believe it. Taki thought that the whole time the doctor had his hands on my belly that he was just orienting himself with where the baby was and that when he said "Okay looks good" he meant that he was going to start to try and turn her. After working up the whole experience in my head, it wasn't bad at all! Of course, we had to wait around afterwards for them to run another stress test to make sure both the baby and I reacted well to everything. We ended up getting out of there shortly before 1pm, at which point I thought I was going to keel over from hunger. Thank goodness for the diner right behind Kaiser that serves breakfast all day!

So now it looks like we are just back to waiting for me to go into natural labor. I'll keep you posted! :)


Unknown said...

Way to go Heather! See, you've got a well behaved daughter after all. At least she follows directions!

Woods Family said...

YEAH! So glad it was successful!!! Awesome your doctor did it - my doctor won't. Congratulations on a head down baby girl!

Unknown said...

Phew, that is such great news. So glad it didn't hurt. What a good little girl!

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear it worked! :)

Bill and Cindy said...

What a relief! Now the waiting begins . . .

Jen said...

Good work, so glad it worked out! Hope the delivery goes as great. :)

Hap and Sue said...

Glad to hear that everything went so well!! Hopefully, it won't be long now!! Keep that suitcase handy!!

The Press Family said...

I'm so glad to hear it worked and that it didn't hurt! I was worried about nice Mel and Taki could be with you! Ok, baby...let's get moving!!

Sara said...

Yay!! Way to go, baby girl Romios :)

Kelli said...

I'm sad I've been out of the blog loop. Nevertheless, I'd like to cast my vote for Violet.

Oh, and I'm happy for the head being down and that the restaurant still served breakfast at 1pm. The gods are smiling upon you and Violet.