Monday, April 21, 2008

Rub a Dub Dub

While Grammy and Pop-Pop are on a cruise to Mexico, Nikos enjoys a boat of his own in the kitchen sink.

A little CPR for the seahorse.

Taki decided that this was the moment that I needed to take a picture of Nikos with his first Cubs tickets (we head to Chicago to catch a game in May). As you can tell, Nikos seems a little disinterested - maybe when the August Yankees tix arrive he will show a little more enthusiasm.

Oh look - a green baby shampoo and body wash - just in time for Earth Day!


Sarah said...

Love the tub video. Since Marco can't sit up yet, I'll be posting one of Jeff tomorrow.

Brenda B. said...

The tub video is too cute! Drew is jealous of Niko's boat, so we had to console him with a bath in his ducky tub.