Saturday, April 19, 2008

Grass, Jumpy Castles and the PoPo

Today we celebrated our neighbor Lucien's 6th birthday with a block party that included a jumping castle!

This is Niko's second time sitting on grass and he is pretty unhappy about it. He tried it out the night before at Jack and Katie's house. As soon as I sat him down he immediately picked up one leg so that it wasn't touching the grass and tried to raise the other leg as well - then he started to cry. Well, here's proving that his first experience wasn't a fluke.

Apparently we should have expected this because Taki detested grass as well and cried whenever he was set down on it. Sissy.

Next we decided to put all of Niko's time in the jumparoo to good use -- in a big kid jumparoo!

Nikos was then arrested for jumping too high in the jumping castle - crazy kid. Okay, okay, really the PoPo stopped by to say hi to everyone and to enjoy a little good PR. When they first walked up I thought they were strippers (what kind of party IS this...) but no, real cops. They found it quite comical that I asked if they were strippers and yet they were still nice enough to pose with Niko.

UPDATE: Apparently a jumpy castle takes it out of you! Nikos went down for his second nap at 5:30 last night (usually he would only nap for a 1/2 hour to an hour at this point) and he slept through until 5:30 this morning! He then took a bottle, went to sleep and got back up again at 7:30 (his usual wake-up time). I am thinking of investing in a jumpy castle for the backyard!


The Roberts Family said...

typo! typo!
Can YOU find it???!!

Romios Family said...

Dude, my rep is getting ruined. I had to fix it. Ha!

D'Angelo Family said...

The Kienzle girls are starting to freak me out about spelling. Love the jumping castle. And too bad the cops didn't do some entertaining of their own.

Unknown said...

Tommy also hates grass at the moment, glad to see he's not alone and he and Nikos can be Botanophobic (I looked it up, fear of plants) together