Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Dinner and a Movie (Not Necessarily in that Order)

Last night we hit up the Baby Brigade for our fourth movie with Nikos - Leatherheads. The night started out well with us winning the raffle which included a snack box of cheerios, a 10% off coupon for a local baby haunt and free passes for two for another Baby Brigade movie. Wahoo! I was very excited and in fact yelled Wahoo out loud. Ahh, it's the little things. Nikos babbled for a little while and then fell asleep about 30 minutes into the movie. This time I got smart and just passed the little sleeping bundle over to Taki halfway through the movie. Phew!

Taki tore his eyes away from the riveting (ha!) movie long enough for me to take this picture. Contrary to popular belief, and his blatantly partially open right eye - enlarge the picture if you don't believe me - , Nikos is really sleeping. I know, freaky huh? One day his girlfriend is going to be totally weirded out by this. That and the snoring...which he is already exhibiting. Like father, like son...

Tonight was our first Date Night courtesy of our neighbors. (And yes Melanie, that pile of stuff in the corner behind me is all for you!)

On alternating Wednesdays we put Nikos down to bed and then our neighbor Robin comes over to hang out while he is sleeping and Taki and I get to hit the town. On the opposite Wednesdays I go over to their house and hang out while Kate sleeps and they get to enjoy a night off. It works really well since both kids tend to go to bed between 7-7:30 and not wake up for 10-12 hours. (Sorry, I had to leave the computer for a second and go knock on wood.) On top of that, our houses are so close that I can take my laptop and still be connected to our wireless network while I am at Ken and Robin's house. Ha!

Anyway, tonight Taki and I went to Rivoli in Albany - every year I want to make it to as many East Bay restaurants that make it on SF Gate's Top 100 listing and this year Rivoli was the first one we hit. Dinner was fabulous and while we were enjoying our dessert and after-dinner drinks we were getting quite a kick out of the spring/winter couple next to us (is that what you call it when the guy is old and the chic is young?) At one point, the guy actually said, and I quote, "In two years, if I don't make it to Guatemala than I have no business calling myself a man." What?? I almost choked on my chocolate tarte and I think Taki snorted a little sundae up his nose. Oh wait, it is called May/December, huh? Details. Anyway, I think the next place we will try is Wood Tavern in Oakland. Anyone been?


Darcy said...

That is such a great arrangement with your neighbor! Love it.

Sarah said...

We're so ghetto we did our first "satellite" babysitting with our neighbors via monitor! Go Oakland. It was only for 15 minutes, don't worry.

D'Angelo Family said...

Wood Tavern is excellent! I can count the number of dinners that Jack and I have been out to since Brooke was born on one hand. That was one of them - and worth it!
The tables are very'll be able to spy on many other conversations (a minus for some...a plus for Heather)!