Wednesday, April 2, 2008

10 Months Old and Perfect Parents (Ha)

To celebrate Nikos' 10 months on earth he tried yogurt for the first time. I know - go crazy. Taki didn't get a closeup of Nikos but he did make sure I faced the YoBaby to the camera. Priorities.

I forgot to mention in the post about the pediatrician that we are doing something RIGHT. I know, shocking. We try to put Nikos down wide awake as often as we can. Here are a few shots from tonight.

Crazy giggles when I put him down.

Smiles for the camera.

This is, seriously, four minutes later. I wish my camera had a time stamp. He also snuggled with giraffey on his own too.


Darcy said...

Adorable! I read in some celebrity magazine about a star that was eating all his daughter's YoBaby yogurt and was hence getting fat. I thought, from yogurt? Then I bought some for Katie and understood. Made from whole milk. This is not Yoplait 99% fat free.

Linda said...

wcsdancerHe really is a good baby and you are doing everthing right. Well, there was the "head bump ' thing so almost everything Love Grandma

Linda said...

I see that little arm tucked under-pretty funny all these little quirks1