Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Commuter's Pastime and Doctor's Office Destruction

We popped into the office for a few hours Monday morning so I could get some work done and show Nikos off again. He was great, either sat in my lap while I typed or played on the floor with his toys (and entertained his legions of fans).

Just like his mother, Nikos enjoys spending his commute time reading.

Next we visited the pediatrician for Niko's 10 month checkup. Drumroll please...

Oh yes, that is all FIFTEEN pounds and TEN point THREE ounces of him. He dropped a little bit below 5% for weight on the chart so Dr. Ray wants us to just make sure he gets as many power calories (food as opposed to bottles) as possible.

Proving that he is still spunky even though he is under 5%, he then proceeded to shred the tissue paper on the bed. HA!

Rounding out his stats he clocks in at 27.5 inches in height (10%) and 18 inch head circumference (50%) - shorty big heads unite!

Before we left Nikos demanded monkey take his turn on the scale.


Linda said...

So how many calories were in the spinach artichoke dip the other night at CPK do you estimate?

Sarah said...

He looks chubby to me! What percentile was the monkey in?

Romios Family said...

Judging by the way my pants fit at the end of the night, I think the calories in spinach artichoke dip pack quite a punch!

I know, I thought he looked totally chubby in a few of those pics. She did weigh him again because she said "he doesn't LOOK that small". Alas, the second time he was 15.11 - maybe he had pee'd? The monkey was off the charts. He is big for a monkey.

Darcy said...

A little underweight? More YoBaby!!

Unknown said...

Tommy destroys the tissue paper cover at the doctor's office. I was gonna get him a roll of the stuff for his birthday! P.S. saw Nikkos' pictures on the SFGate mom site. I was like, wait, "I know that baby..."