Saturday, January 12, 2008

Who You Callin' a Shrimp?

Nikos has his first swim lesson this morning and we are all very excited about it. I'll be getting in the pool with him this week and then Taki will do next week - we thought we would trade off. It is a 7 week class - so I am sure he will be swimming laps by the end of it. Ha! Of course, I figure, I started my swim lessons at 3 months so he is already 4 months behind! He will be in the Shrimp class (this is not a comment on his size, merely the name of the class for 6-18 mos) with Brooke.

In preparation for class he has spent a short amount of time in the pool in Tahoe in November and of course time in the "big" bathtub kicking around. Hopefully he won't feel too out of his element. In preparation for class I shaved my legs (of course, I was telling Taki - if there is one time in my life where it doesn't matter if I shave my legs, Swim Class at the Berkeley YMCA is surely it) and said a short prayer that there will be no mothers (or fathers) with dreadlocks in our class. Okay, to be honest, it was quite a lengthy prayer and I really can't promise you that I won't get right back out of the pool if you put me in there with a floating dreadlock - eek, I want to gag just thinking about it.

Stay tuned for pictures and possible video after class!

1 comment:

D'Angelo Family said...

Are you telling me that I have to do swim class with Taki next week? Who am I going to talk to?