Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Here we go... and by the way, while I am typing this we are listening to the Holly channel on XM - because I need to milk the holiday spirit for all it is worth (yes our tree is still up) - and the channel is in some sort of weird loop where it keeps playing the same four songs in a row. Taki wants me to log off and log back on again to see if that fixes it but I refuse to because it keeps cutting off this Mariah Carey Christmas song I really like (who knew?) and every time it comes back on (about every 6 minutes) I am all hopeful that it will play through this time. Also in the loop is this Chevy Chase quote from Christmas Vacation We're going to press on and have the hap-hap-happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap danced with Danny Kay. I think they cleaned that up for XM, I am pretty sure he drops an F bomb in the movie. And sadly, I think it had looped like three times before we had noticed. Yes, we are hungover in case I forgot to mention it earlier. I am sure you would have picked up on it from my first resolution anyway. And a hangover with a baby is a b*tch which should be obvious, and yet we still did it (thanks Jeff and Sarah for hosting a fresh party last night.)

1. Try to eat healthier - **Disclaimer - I am going to be starting this one tomorrow, in case you are one of my neighbors reading this and you saw the Dominos car pull up (followed by the Roundtable car shortly thereafter - yes, I know, we ordered from two different places. There were four of us and one of us doesn't like Roundtable so we had to order from both places.) This was, of course, an hour or two after Taki returned with our McDonalds breakfast. At least this year he remembered that for some bizarrely inexplicable reason the McDonalds by us doesn't serve breakfast on New Years Day. They are open in the morning, but they just start lunch as soon at 9am or so. I know, weird, huh. They serve breakfast the rest of the year. Sadly, the last three years one of us has gone there in the morning to discover this tragedy. Of course, we don't let this deter us so we just drive to the next closest one which is only semi in the ghetto. Bonus points to Taki for remembering this year and just going directly to the far one.
2. Pack my lunch more often - yes, last slice of Dominos sitting in the box...I'm talkin' to you.
3. Go on family walks more often
4. Limit my Starbucks intake - before I need to enter some sort of rehab center for caffeine addiction.
5. Create a budget - and actually stick to it.

1. Lose 15 lbs - when Heather lost the baby weight I found it
2. Remodel the house - note to audience, Taki is dictating these to me, he just said this one so he could see me choke on my pretzel. I am going to make him re-do this one.
2a. Exercise more
3. Watch more tv this year - note to audience, I don't think Taki is taking this very seriously. On the other hand, our contractor's guys accidentally broke our satellite and we haven't had tv since we moved back in mid-November, so maybe this one is legit. In fact I want to watch more tv too - so are Jim and Pam dating?? and what about JD and Elliott? and is that new chic still on CSI because I think she is D-U-L-L) so I'll let this one stick.
** Note to audience, I just logged off and back in to XM and we are out of the loop. But now I am kind of bitter because I was starting to like the repetitiveness and I knew all the words to the songs. Plus now I will probably never hear the Mariah song (All I Want for Christmas Is You). Sucks.**
4. Eat healthier
5. Run with Bosco more - note from Heather - More?? If he runs with Bosco ONCE this year it will be more than he did last year.

1. Find more foods I like - I realize I can't subsist on cantaloupe and grapes alone. Of course, Mary-Kate and Ashley do it...
2. Learn to swim - or at least enjoy my swim lessons. Got to show off my skillz in Aruba in June!
3. Get to the 25th percentile for weight (see Resolution #1)
4. Visit more states - next time I go to Tahoe I actually want to cross the street into Nevada!
5. Convince my mom to stop dressing me in ridiculous hats/costumes - Note from Heather - not going to happen.

1 comment:

chavezfamily4 said...

Nikos is adorable!! I love the Nikos & Bill look-alike pics! Oh, I just read your comment about What a Tiffany Party is...everything Tiffany & Co. right down to the little boxes - so much fun to plan - will not do again! Nikos is a doll, hope to see him again...at the next Roberts B-day party?!