Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Amateur Night

I think there is something about drinking and having your camera (or DWC Drinking With Camera) which either makes you take pictures of EVERYTHING (see Jeff's neighbor Brad last night) or nothing. Sadly, I fell into the latter category. Here are all of my photos from last night. As you will notice, I took pictures at 7:15 when we got there, and then not again until 2:15 in the morning. Stupid vodka.

The girls (Brooke D'Angelo, Reese Grochol, Ryan Grochol) kick up their heels in anticipation of the new year.

Miffed that he missed the photo shoot with the ladies (he slept in his car seat from when we got there at 7:15pm until 2:15 in the morning) Niko posed for a few pictures with Jeff.

And how did I remember it was 2:15?

Seems like a bizarre drunk picture but for some reason I think Sarah had the camera (note how I don't know she had the camera...) and she was definitely not drunk.

Oh how the times have changed. No one pulled a shower curtain (and most of the plaster) off the wall, no grapefruits were thrown at St. Francis, and I actually made it to midnight.


Unknown said...

I knew I could count on you for such a quick blog update. Nice work! We had a great time last night although we certainly paid the price for it today. 2008 Resolution: no more excessive drinking!

Sarah said...

I think chandelier kicking contests and Grochol laid out on my kitchen floor count for times not changing. I chronicled the time for just that purpose. Niko's a party animal. I should've taken a pic of the 3:30 a.m. dropoff at your house and all of us BACK up with the kids at 7am.