Monday, January 14, 2008

My Money Is On His First Word Being IKEA

Taki is doomed, doomed I say! Nikos graduated into a big boy shopping cart today, he is becoming quite the little shopper and can now describe the interior of IKEA almost as well as he can the local Starbucks. Of course, I was totally unprepared for his move out of his car seat and into the shopping cart's driver seat and I forgot his cute little shopping cart germ thing, so I just had to stuff his blanket underneath him and hope that the cart he was clinging to was relatively germ-free (ha!) Note how I had to boost him up on the left side with my vest.

Here he looks at the amazing stuff in the Kitchen Section. He must feel like he is at home.

Next we took a spin through the Kids Section (and by took a spin I mean I can never figure out how to follow those shortcuts and not go through every section - despite the fact that they have those little posted maps and arrows on the floor, and that I am there at least once a week). I think the big snake stuffed animals were capturing his attention in this shot.

About 20 minutes into the trip (okay okay, an HOUR and 20 minutes) he decided to let go of one hand and go a little crazy. Wahoo!

After our successful IKEA trip (many returns, many purchases, I think the security guard greeted me by name...) we drove out to visit our friends Gail and Christian. Gail is due any day now with her first baby! Well, more specifically, Gail is due on February 5th, which makes her 36 weeks and 6 days pregnant today. Coincidentally, I gave birth to Niko when I was 36 and 6. Strangely enough, Gail looks FABULOUS and I looked, well, like I had swallowed Gail. (See photos below if you don't believe me).

Gail - 36 weeks and 6 days pregnant.

Heather - 36 weeks and 6 days pregnant.


Darcy said...

Hah, Katie feels at home in Target. I am sure if we had an IKEA she would feel at home there too. There is one in Portland and we have been there once, she transitioned very well from Target to IKEA. I was so proud. And Gail is covering her belly with Niko, no fair!

The Roberts Family said...

i found a typo... i found a typo!!

The Roberts Family said...

Or is it- Typeo? No, no I think I was right the first time. :)

Sarah said...

Gail Schmail. I bet her husband has a bunch of hair too.