Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Slip Sliding Away

On Sunday we went to the Solano Stroll, a great little outdoor fair in Berkeley/Albany about two miles from our house. We packed up the kids in the stroller and grabbed Bosco and walked over to enjoy the day. Just like last year, the Stroll was packed but we still had a good time. Nikos was thrilled to be able to go on the slide for the first time. Here are two videos of his two trips down the slide (if it was up to him we would have spent his college savings - albeit $2 at a time - on this thing!)

Please enjoy the stark contrast between his trip down with me and his trip down with Taki. Ha.

I'd like to tell you that it was because Taki forgot that I was taking the video - but I don't think that's possible since I was yelling "Don't forget I'm going to take a video of you guys coming down!" up until just before I hit "record."

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