Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It's My (Shared) Room and I'll Cry If I Want To

Cry It Out update - things are going well. (Sorry, had to pause to knock on wood.) Since we started last Friday I have not fed Olive in the middle of the night. She has gone down every night between 7:30-8:00pm and then I haven't had to feed her until the morning feeding. Twice we've given her a pacifier - once on Sunday night/Monday morning, after she had cried for an hour and fifteen minutes (and we were afraid she would wake up Nikos) and once in the wee hours of this morning when she started screaming and woke up Nikos - who then demanded MILK MILK and settled for water. The rest of the nights she only cried for a few minutes and then went back to sleep. Hopefully by the next week or so she won't be waking up at all at night!

1 comment:

Bill and Cindy said...

We've been dying to know how it's been going! Thanks for the update.