Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Old McTilden Had a Farm

We took the kids to Little Farm in Tilden Park two weekends ago. Nikos wasn't so sure how he felt about the bigger animals, although he did show some love for the rabbits and chickens. Thank goodness there were no horses or he may have run screaming to the car.

Not that you can tell from my awesome camera work, but here is Olive, completely unfazed by a little calf.

Patiently waiting to feed some celery to the chickens...who seemed largely uninterested in said celery.
Petting the bunny.

Hmm, do you see a family resemblance?

I feed the goats - aggressive little suckers! - while Nikos plays the "If I don't make eye contact with you, you don't exist" game with them. Sometimes he plays this same game with me when he doesn't want to go to bed.

Watching the sheep from a safe distance. Apparently I didn't get the memo that we were supposed to shower prior to this trip. Whoops.

Someone needs a haircut.

Shy with the cow.

And we ended the day at the playground just outside the farm. Nikos was relieved to see there weren't any large animals walking around.


Darcy said...

Love the family pictures.

Hap and Sue said...

In the first picture of Olive and the calf, I can really see a resemblance to Nikos. I think that is the most she has looked like him to me.

By the way, can I assume the book on you nighstand is not too good since it has been there through you whole maternity leave and you still haven't finished it?!

Keep up the great posts -- your comments are always enjoyable!

The Roberts Family said...

He he! Love the book comment, aunt sue! I've noticed that too! I was wondering if she doesn't have much time to read since she now has two kiddos!