4th of July is well spent at the D'Angelo's since their house is high up on a hill so we have a great view of the fireworks (both legal and illegal.) We were so excited to go over there for the 4th that we decided to invite ourselves over on the 3rd for dinner as well. We are nice like that.
We started out at the zoo (where Taki was in charge of the camera so I ended up with only this one picture.)
Flattering, isn't it? This is why good posture is important.
After the zoo we crashed Midvale and left Nikos and Brooke to amuse themselves.
Tea party.
Sharing Brooke's chair.
(Jeff supervising in the background.)
Not sure what was going on here, I don't know if Nikos willingly climbed into Brooke's toy bin or if Brooke put him on some sort of time out. I think either situation is highly probable.
And here the practice their airplane impressions (with help from Katie.)
The next night we headed back for the 4th of July festivities. This time Marco and Sarah were able to join us as well since they were back from the cabin.
Marco was very interested in Olive. Nikos lays down the law about how Marco should treat his sister.
Feeling confident that Marco won't disobey him, Nikos leaves to go find Brooke. Leaving Marco to his own devices.
He starts out with a gentle head pat, just like Nikos taught him.
He moves on to inspecting her little piggies (another Nikos-approved gesture.)
He pauses to shoot the camera an I'm so innocent face...
and promptly tries to feed her a cheerio. :)
Here's our 4th of July kids shot. You may have already seen this priceless pic on Sarah's blog, but it is such a good one I thought I would display it again for your viewing pleasure.
Whoops, almost lost Baby O on that last one.
Not only can I hold my child for a cute pic, I can also face my "Heather - Creepy Hot" cup to the camera.
While Jack cooks (and simultaneously runs from bees) and the rest of us drink, the kids play in the sand.
The kids were excited to play with Brooke's new bubble toys and I caught this video of some of the action. Take special note of :16 when a bubble actually comes OUT OF NIKO'S MOUTH when he is talking to Katie (and saying the word "bubble" ironically.)
The kids sit down to dinner. No, that is not a girl in the brown and pink hoodie, it is just Nikos, secure in his manhood. Also, I forgot to bring him warm clothes to wear, marvelous parent that I am.
Does Taki agree that you're creepy hot? The rest of us do, but we don't count as much.
Marco is a feeder. And never met a snack he didn't like.
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