Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Operation SB

Yesterday began Operation SB2 (that is supposed to be squared but I couldn't figure out how to do it.) Yes, Operation Skinny B*tch and Operation Skinny Bosco. I settled both kids into our new doubles stroller (and by I I mean Taki and I since he helped me before he left for work) and leashed up Bosco and we left the house at 8am (EIGHT AM PEOPLE!) to walk Nikos up to daycare. It was fabulous! Olive slept the whole time in her lowrider bottom seat (I'll have to get a picture of it) and Nikos chattered away the whole time ("ruck" (truck) "bus" "fower" (flower), etc.) and kept me entertained. The walk to daycare is about two miles from our house and then Starbucks in downtown Berkeley is a half mile from daycare, so all told we took a five mile walk. Wahoo! Hopefully I'll work up to doing it twice a day (well, I'll only hit the Starbucks once...I mean, I would hit it twice but then Taki would probably tell me I am going over my Starbucks budget for maternity leave.)

Anyway, sorry for all of the run-on sentences. Here are a few of the things we observed on our walk.

This is the reason (well, one of many) that I am pissed my Starbucks closed.

Really? I'm glad Nikos wasn't with me so I didn't have to explain what a drugged out, pink-winged angel was doing sleeping (sitting up) outside Starbucks.

And this has been driving me INSANE for the past six years. Really, every time we walk by it drives me crazy. Part of me really wants to bring some black paint and fix it.

Oh, and just to remind you that we were walking in Berkeley, the house next to the driveway is also painted with the clouds and lightning bolts AS IS THE CAR out front. Yes.

And one more Berkeley tidbit, we paused in front of the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists (??) for Bosco to play with another golden retriever, Pooh Bear. I don't know what their deal is except that they are AGAINST TORTURE judging from all of their banners and propaganda pinned up in the windows.


Sara said...

wow, I'm super impressed! I cannot manage to walk two babies and dogs at the same time!

Anonymous said...

on a side note I love how Taki is wearing the BOO shirt in that picture with Olive on EASTER!

torina said...

HA! I too noticed the BOO shirt, but had hoped it really said Baklava!! ..... I wonder what's cheaper 2 drinks a day at Starbucks, or a gym membership??

D'Angelo Family said...

This doesn't sound like maternity leave - when is Olive going to start screaming the entire time you are on a walk? Maybe our kids were screaming because they wanted us to shut up -hmmm.

Sarah said...

Bummed Annette beat me to the "BOO!" comment.