Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Life Lessons

Way #364 Your Life is Different After You Have Kids (and live in a 2bd/1ba): I just took a shower with two dolphins, two blowfish, one hermit crab, one hammerhead shark, one Shamu, one duck, one boat and one basketball net. I guess we need to work on Nikos putting his bath toys back into the bathroom toy basket when he is done playing with them.

Sign #17 That You are Shopping Too Much: One of the members of our household was a few blocks from our house and said individual waved at the UPS guy in his truck. Like they were friends or something. Okay, okay, it was me. But come on, last time he was at our house (yesterday) he said "How's Olive?"


Sara said...

Our delivery drivers know me all too well, too! One of the many dangers of having a little girl!

Sarah said...

Sign #18 that you are shopping too much: Your husband tells everyone "Heather is shopping too much."


Mom of two(Heather Romios) single handedly saved UPS from declaring bankruptcy by sending their delivery business to an all time high. This upswing is being felt across the nation. The CEO of UPS is quoted as saying "this women(heather) is amazing, at first our systems were not able to handle the amount of orders coming into our center" the interview ended with a "Thank you Heather... Thank you"....

Woods Family said...

Tumble Bunnies is in Sacramento on Marconi - It is called TRICKS. Not in Bay Area :(

Nick, Jocelyn and Kevin said...

Is this the same delivery man you flashed not so long ago?

Our UPS driver said to me - when delivery a gift of cheese - "here's some cheese to go with all that wine!!" So what if I'm a member of some wine clubs? Jeez.