Sunday, April 12, 2009

Discover This!

Taking advantage of the last few Fridays that we have Taki home with us, we visited the Bay Area Discovery Museum again. Unfortunately, we forgot that it was spring break and Good Friday so the crowds were pretty intense but we still had a great time. The Roberts clan (minus Vernie) and Amy and her son Tennyson went along with us.

Luckily we were able to use our Habitot pass for discounted entry, so I didn't feel bad about only hitting a small fraction of the exhibits. Here are some shots of what we did manage to frequent.

Tot Spot - always a big hit with Nikos as it includes both outdoor musical instruments and the water feature.

I think Taki told him that drummers get the most play (you know, from all of his band knowledge when he was a member of Maasecraate 5.) As you can see, Nikos took his advice seriously and is diligently working on his drum solo.

I know this is not a great photo, but this is the only proof I have that Mel's kids were there. I took a bunch of photos at Tot Spot but then when we joined up with them at the outdoor shipyard/playground and ate lunch at the cafe I apparently forgot I had the camera.

This is the look Tennyson gave me when I told him that I was taking his picture for the blog, which would practically make him famous. Apparently my blog is not all the rage with the Alameda playground set.

After mastering the drums, Nikos tries his hand at hula hooping.

Olive spent half her time sleeping in the stroller and the other half sleeping in the pouch.

Making the weird toothed-fish swim upstream at the water feature.

I think in this one he is giving the frog a pep talk about having to throw him in at the mercy of all the toothed-fish...who obviously have teeth for a reason. Sorry frog, survival of the fittest and all that.

Climbing on the turtle.

Next time I will try to be better at capturing the whole day, and not just are first stop!


Jennifer said...

I took my kids there before with Angela (Scalise...remember her?) and her kids. They LOVED it! However, it was way more crowded than I anticipated! Oh, in responce to a comment you made a while back about your purple contact lenses, I SO remember them!

Unknown said...

I'll be sure to pass the photo along to Coach Beck so he can take a look at his form. And if baseball doesn't work out, my brother's a drummer and I'm sure he'd be happy to listen to a demo if you have one. Happy to help.