Monday, March 10, 2008

Photographic Evidence and Bloodlines

It's pretend to be stay-at-home-mom day. Wahoo!

Let's start with a quick recap of last night, daylight savings. I was very curious to see if it was going to throw Niko's schedule out of whack. His bedtime is between 7-7:30pm and he either sleeps through the night (about 12 hours) or he will get up once around 2am and we will just give him a bottle and he will fall asleep as soon as he has finished it. Last night we went for a walk and Nikos fell asleep around 6pm and slept until 7:30. I was borderline panicking since he really should have been in bed for the night. Fortunately, we lucked out. He woke up at 7:30, took a bottle and then immediately went back to sleep. Phew!

Back to today...Nikos and I started off with a walk up to Starbucks (shocker) where I was bound and determined to get a picture of the teeth. AND. SUCCESS.

Of course, in my quest for evidence I came upon the realization that Nikos has quite a lot of Lewis blood coursing through his veins.

Exhibit One - Aunt Beth (Lewis) Harrison and Kristin at the shore (1986?), so obviously eavesdropping on the conversation next to us.

Exhibit Two - Nikos today, so obviously eavesdropping on the conversation next to us.

Apparently bored with frog legs (and the conversation next to us) he expanded his menu to include monkey legs.

On the way home we stopped at the park and he had a ball on the swings.

While he was waiting for me to unlock the door he realized - who needs teething toys when you can simply chew on your ridiculously expensive stroller!

Lastly, we were excited to receive a visit from Sarah and Marco. Marco weighed in today at 9lbs, 11oz - he totally eclipses Niko's monkey!


Beth said...

Let's see if I can do this again, my second try! I am flattered I made it into the Romios Family Blog. Oh, what a picture! I met 6 college friends on Sat. and found myself trying to participate in 2 conversations that were going on...difficult, but I managed to do it!
Nikos is adorable and we love to read of your adventures.
Aunt Beth

Bill and Cindy said...

Oh, Heather, I love this one! As a member of the Lewis family, I can speak for us all when I say "welcome" to Nikos. Eavesdropping is nothing to be ashamed of.

Jeff said...

If I catch him peeping into a house next door, I will know he is your son.