Sunday, March 2, 2008

Nine Months! And Yes, I Still Say His Eyes Are Blue

Wow, we can't believe it's been nine months already! Nikos celebrated the day with a bang by puking for his seventh time in 24 hours. Yes, apparently when he heard that was how I celebrated my 21st birthday (and Robin's bachelorette party, my bachelorette party, Greg and Alina's wedding...) he thought it was the way to go.

After missing a bunch of planned get togethers with friends and a visit to Kaiser (stomach bug and we found out he weighs 15lbs 6oz!) we got out of the house for a little while and I attempted once again to get a picture of the elusive teeth. Ha. Not going to happen. Getting these babies on camera is like finding a tatoo in your box of Crackerjacks.

Here he gets wind of the fact that I am trying to get photographic evidence. Commence mouth clamping and eyebrow raising...

Finally he decides to throw me a bone - be it a tiny little pygmy chicken one. If you enlarge this picture and squint real hard (and hop on one foot while taking a shot of tequila) you can almost see the one on the bottom left (well the left as you look at the picture, the right side of his mouth).
After all of the fruitless tooth photography, Nikos took a break to check out the fountain. Lately he has been putting more weight on his legs (which is fun, since he clearly has no intention of ever crawling and seems to detest rolling over.) Please ignore my mismatched running pants and shirt. After we tried to go out to breakfast (and Taki got puked on for the fourth time in 18 hours) he said, "I think Nikos has puked on all of my weekend clothes".


Darcy said...

Poor little guy! The stomach flu is no fun. I feel you on the no crawling front, Katie has never been interested in it & finally at 14 months will get on her knees and crawl for two seconds and then she is done, back to sitting. But hey, it has been nice not to have to chase after her & wonder what she is getting into! But walking is imminent, it will be a whole new world!

Sarah said...

Well, this solidifies it. I'm nearly the only person who maintains that he's all Kienzle. He looks and pukes Kienzle. Done.

Sarah said...

oh and stop ignoring me. Not wanting to hang out just because I said Niko's eyes looked green this weekend is not nice. Fine. They're blue.

The Roberts Family said...

If you enlarge the picture & squint real hard, maybe you can FOOL yourself into thinking his eyes are blue. (umm, Heather, they're HAZEL!)

Kelli said...

While he was puking did he ever say "I'm never going to drink again"? It so, he's all Kienzle.