Sunday, March 9, 2008

Bribery, Red Hats and Cowlicks, Oh My!

Saturday night we headed out to Antioch for dinner with the Kienzles. We tried to get the four grandkids together for a picture which we quickly realized was virtually impossible. Here are a few shots from the attempt.

Sadly, this first shot is the best one I got. I was a little slow on the camera uptake (my mom was already shooting) so by the time I started clicking away my dad had already handed out "sit still for a picture" bribes to the older Maile and Mason. (In fact, I took so long that there had already been a lollipop switcharoo. Maile didn't like the green one she started with and forced Mason to switch with her. Gotta love being the adored older sister!

So to me it really looks like Nikos and Maile have the same profile. Same prominent (hee!) forehead, same nose...

And they're off! Well, except for poor Kira who is in Bumbo jail.

Suddenly Nikos realizes that he doesn't know how to crawl yet so he's going nowhere. Ha - more pictures!

Costume change for Kira. She heard Aunt Connie was a fan of red hats...

Roberts Family Photo - look how well the older kids are camera trained. Wonder how long it will take for Kira to pick up on it.

Romios Family Photo


Unknown said...

Heather, I LOVE your new bangs. Super cute! And Niko is getting so big. He's starting to look like a little boy - and not so much a baby anymore. So adorable. We miss you guys!

The Roberts Family said...

Heather- your kid matches me... and my kid (kira) matches you!

Kelli said...

Bumbo jail-ha!