Monday, June 21, 2010


We've been indulging ourselves lately.

I "follow" the cremebruleecart on Twitter. He makes what always sound like delicious creme brulees and he is usually based in San Francisco but he does move around to different locations. He's been to Berkeley a few times but we've always been out of town, so when I saw that he was going to be in Oakland last Sunday I jumped on the opportunity. We packed everyone into the car and drove over to a neighborhood in North Oakland and picked up creme brulees for all of us! Vanilla for Taki (hello - can you say boring?!) and the kids, chocolate peppermint for Taki's mom and froot loop for me. Wow, they were all awesome. I am going to have to track him down again in the future!

My froot loop

Nikos had fallen asleep in the car so Olive got first dibs - she chose the chocolate peppermint.

On Wednesday it was still warm when we got home from work so we loaded the kids into the stroller and walked up to Shattuck to Cheeseboard Pizza. I think I've mentioned Cheeseboard on the blog before - they are an employee owned co-op. They make one kind of pizza every day and post the ingredients by the front door and then sell it until they run out. Our pizza had red bell pepper, onions, mozzarella and feta cheese, kalamata olives, garlic olive oil, Italian parsley. YuM!

1 comment:

Bill and Cindy said...

FROOT LOOP creme brulee??? I wouldn't have believed it if you hadn't included the photo.