Thursday, June 24, 2010

Channeling my Inner Katie

In an attempt to jumpstart our weight loss for our Biggest Loser contest at work, a few of us decided to do the stairs in our building after lunch.

Since we are on the 17th floor we started out by walking to the bottom of the building - to which I thought, easy peasy! I kept up a running dialogue for the 4 of us (shocking) and it only took us 4 minutes! The return trip on the other hand was a different story. Since the stairways are locked from the inside you can only get out on your company floors where your key pass works. So, our options were to get out on 16, 17, 18, 38 or 39. We decided we would walk up to the top (43) and then walk back down to 38 and take the elevator back to 17.

Let's just say I thought I was gonna die. There was not so much talking as heavy breathing on the way up - broken by whispered complaints about how my calves were on fire. I have to admit I did actually sprint up a floor but that was because I was the last one in our group and I heard someone below me enter the I followed the weakest-link logic and ran to the 2nd to last position. I knew the other girls would be too exhausted to chase my would-be kidnapper so I wasn't taking any chances. Not to mislead you, we were stair-stepping in a secured, badged building...but you know me. And don't think my coworkers didn't use this as an excuse to make fun of me for the next 14 floors (albeit in breathless gasps.) B*tches.

We made it to 38 (you couldn't have paid me to go to 43) and popped open the door to reveal...the giant glass fishbowl that is our Trading Floor (& thus home to a few of our cute boys.) By then I was a hot mess - and NOT the good kind. Let's just say walking down 21 flights of stairs to our floor suddenly became a lot more appealing.

Here's to keeping this up!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Brenda B. said...

I'm impressed you did this. I'd be too worried about being a sweaty, stinky mess for the rest of the day.