Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Solo Roadtrip

On Friday I loaded the kids into the car for our first solo road trip. One of my good friends from high school, Jennie Slinger, lives in Newhall, CA - just past the Grapevine. Jennie has a son that is about two months older than Nikos and she is due with twins later this summer. Since I had some time off on my hands I decided to drive down for a visit before the twins arrive.

The car ride itself wasn't too horrible. The kids took turns sleeping and I had to stop a few times to feed/pacify them but we still made the trip in about six hours.

Here are some fun shots from our weekend.

Bubble Machine!

Bath time

Playing with new toys we picked up at a garage sale.

In case you thought I left her at home...

Nikos and Zach had fun playing baseball in the backyard and Nikos took a small spill on the cement while running the bases. Here he shows off his bruises.

Zach and Nikos test out the double stroller before the twins arrive. To make things more legit we made them wear little twinsy hats. Astute blog readers will note Nikos grubbin on a cracker from the fan favorite Starbucks Fruit and Cheese plate.

Climbing trees at the park.

Despite the fact that for some bizarre reason Nikos woke up at some ridiculous time in the morning (and acted like we were waterboarding him during naptime) the weekend was fabulous. It was so fun to catch up with Jennie and great to see our kids playing together. Can't wait to meet the next two little Press kids!

The drive home Sunday was a little more brutal, I had to pullover multiple times to get Olive her pacifier and Nikos puked up his entire lunch when we were about 20 minutes from our house - poor kid! Of course, we still made it in under 7 hours so I can't complain too much.


Darcy said...

You are very brave! I have driven to my parents a few times by myself, but that is only two hours and with only one child. You are an inspiration!

Sarah said...

Maybe he's allergic to McDonald's. how very un-Kienzle of him.

Brenda B. said...

Let me just start out by saying I'm incredibly jealous I couldn't make the trip with you!! Perhaps there would've been fewer pit stops ;)

But glad you all had a great time!!

The Press Family said...

I knew you were going to blog about this before I could! Plz email me those pics! I can't believe I only have the one of us at the end on mine...and boy...can I ruin a photograph.
Had a great time! You didn't mention poker! Can't wiat to see you and your brood again soon!