Monday, June 8, 2009

Party Like a 2 Year Old

Last Tuesday night we held a small pizza and cake party at our house for Niko's 2nd birthday.

The kids' table (minus Marco) grubs some pizza.

Here's a pic of our Fenton's ice cream cake. When we take him to see Up we'll have to point that out.
Nikos wasn't sure how he felt about all of the attention at first.

He warmed up a little when we had him blow out his (totally ghetto) candle. Yes, supermom forgot birthday candles so we had to improvise and use a regular one from Target. He didn't seem to mind.

Trying the cake.
We got Nikos a tee for his birthday and the kids really enjoyed it. Too bad I don't have a picture of the bomb that Mason hit over our fence. BOMB. Although I didn't get any shots of the Roberts kids, here are some of Brooke, Marco and Nikos.

After the Memorial Day cousins baseball game Nikos has been all into "run-running" the bases after his hits.

All went well for awhile but as we rapidly flew past bedtimes and the three kids realized that we only had two bats things did fall apart a little bit.

Thanks to everyone for their well wishes!

1 comment:

Brenda B. said...

Drew loves that T-Ball Set too! Very cool that Niko knows how to run the bases...