Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Where's Waldo - Goodwill Style

As I mentioned previously, we get a lot of hand-me-down clothes from the Roberts family. Last week we received the latest sizes (both for Niko and Olive) and I decided I needed to get everything organized before my trip to Vegas. I mean, it would be so simple if I could just follow the ages labeled on the clothes...but of course Nikos still fits into the shorts for 12-18 months (and some 6-12!) for his waist size, but then the pants in these sizes are too short. Ah, fun stuff.

In order to help justify why it took me so long to get everything put away I took these pictures to show Taki.

Tell me my house doesn't look like a Goodwill dropoff here?!

Nikos plays Where's Nikos in the kids' bedroom.

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