Friday, October 31, 2008

No, He is NOT Barney the Dinosaur

Happy Halloween! To kick off the day Nikos and I barted into the city to visit my work and then Taki at work. Here's little Puff the Magic Dragon before our walk to bart.

Apparently, visiting and charming all of our coworkers is exhausting. Nikos passed out while we were walking around the city. Sleeping Dragon. No word on where the Crouching Tiger was.

After a quick catnap in the city we headed back to Berkeley and crashed the daycare Halloween party. Here's a pic of Niko and his friend Kloe.

Tired Dragon chills at the party. He was busy keeping a hawkeye on me in case another child crawled into my lap. If said event happened, Cranky Dragon let out such a screech that I was glad he wasn't the fire-breathing version.

A costume change and we find ourselves back at home, doing some last minute carving of pumpkins. Nikos watched me spooning the seeds out of the pumpkin and wanted to try it himself. Here's a photo and a quick video.

Ahh, one of the (many) perks of living across from a fire station - several of the firefighters training at the station today came by to wish us a Happy Halloween and one of them came bearing gifts for the kids. While big Nico concentrates on his super powers, Niko inspects the loot from the fireman.

And we're off...Nikos' first time trick or treating! Every year we usually leave a bucket of candy outside our door and head across the street to Guillaume and Lorraine's for a bit of an adult party mixed in with the Halloween fun. We joined a bunch of the neighborhood kids for trick or treating around the block. Well, we actually didn't collect any candy for him (okay okay, I did go to the door of the fire station...details, details) but we basically just showed off how cute he was in his costume.

Here's me, Nikos, Lorraine and Nico getting ready to trick or treat. Taki claimed I had the camera on the wrong setting but I think he had already started drinking wine with Gui. Shady.

I know you are all shocked that the Boo shirt made an appearance on Halloween.

Nikos takes a break to loot through the candy we are giving out - busted!

Happy Halloween everyone!


Sarah said...

Darn. I really thought the firemen were going to be strippers. Must've dozed off

Anonymous said...

cute heather, taki, and nikkos pumpkins!!

Kelli said...

In Taki's defense, I've worn the same "Spooktacular" shirt for the past 4 years and I'm sure we'll see it again next year.