Sunday, October 5, 2008

Belly Shots and Coughing Up a Lung

As I sit here and type this I spot my belly surreptitiously creeping over the edge of the laptop, which causes me to guiltily (is this a word?) realize that I haven't started the belly shots. As a matter of fact, I have been studiously avoiding the belly shots. I figured I would start with Week 17 - like I did with #1 - and throw up some comparison shots so perhaps the "You can tell it's your second pregnancy" comments would be more understandable (although still b*tchy and unnecessary.) So why the delay? Well, first pregnancy belly shots are fun while second pregnancy pregnancy shots seem to be a who's who of stretch marks. Oh well, this is Friday starts Week 19 so I will try to swallow my pride and take some anyway. This time I plan to vary the backgrounds so Uncle Ray doesn't make fun of me. :)

Another note about my belly, it is currently hiding under a tshirt with my letters. Yes - wearing my letters while knocked up. Is this illegal? Mental note to ask Liz. Speaking of things that are illegal while wearing your letters, I am also drinking mulled wine (dr. approved, second trimester mulled wine thank you very much.) I am in the midst of a desperate and frantic attempt to do anything I can to stop coughing. I got sick last Sunday after we got back from LA, first it was a high fever for a few days and then I developed this horrendous cough. I have seriously tried EVERYTHING that I can - vaporizer, humidifier, hot tea, hot water with lemon, Vicks, Robitussin, cough drops, sleeping sitting up and now mulled wine and nothing seems to be working. Sadly, I finally got over my pregnancy nausea and but now I've been throwing up because I am coughing so hard. Lovely. I'm telling you - skinny pregnancy. (You may disagree when you see the Week 19 pics - ha!)

Friday, after being home sick for a few days and laying on the couch and watching practically every Tivo show we had (and this was no small feat), I headed out to Antioch to hang out with my parents and to get out of the house. Nikos and I had a great afternoon involving drive-thru Starbucks, homemade lunch and playing at Grammy and Pop-Pops.

Nikos shows off his new standing skill as he looks for the hummingbird that just flew away in sheer panic at the sight of him.

Posing in the yard with Pop-Pop and Grammy - all attention on Keezy the garden windsock.

This picture is dedicated to our friend Nick in Torrance - although Nikos hasn't mastered Gooooo (to be fair, we did try to start him out with the more complicated Go Eagles!), the game does seem to hold his interest.

He takes a break from the game to text some friends.

And for those watching Amazing Race - Sarah and Terence need to get booted off and there is no way they are making it as a couple. He is sooo annoying. I mean, they are no Jonathan and Victoria but there is still no way this relationship can last.


Sarah said...

Look at those giant man shoes Niko is wearing. ha!

Unknown said...

Sarah and Terrence are CRAZY PANTS! "And they didn't even say hello to us!" Yep, boot 'em. Nick and Starr got a lot more annoying this week, and we were rooting for them Week One. He is on an off-broadway show so I liked that, and Tom liked Starr's... well... um... Tom likes Starr.

The Roberts Family said...

No NO NO. Can't boot 'em yet! I LOVE to HATE them. FREAKS!!! (I do agree tho, no Victoria & Johnathon! "VICTORIA!!!")

Nick, Jocelyn and Kevin said...

Nick will happily provide some tutoring to Nikos re: how to yell at the TV screen. Kevin is sad to note that Nick doesn't seem to mind who is running where - it's just that someone is running. Sigh.

And agree - Sarah & Terrence are whacko!! But, one thing I gotta say, who goes on national TV to 'make-up' to his wife that he cheated on her? WTF?

Uncle Ray From PA said...

I hope you got a new $900 pocket book that didn't really cost $200, after barfing in the old one. I also hope your fat cheeks and big nose go down.