Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Swimmin' Like a Fish

Swim lessons part II started on Saturday. Nikos was relaxed and ready to swim, he even managed to ham it up for the camera before class started.

Flashback to seven months ago...

Niko did well during class although it was clear that his favorite part was play time at the end of class where everyone gets to choose a different toy.


Niko noticed a few ladies in swim class that caught his eye so he demanded we take him in for a haircut. We headed back to Cool Cuts (because they do a nice job despite the fact that they are a teensy bit rude and totally overpriced.)

Completely mesmerized by the Elmo video.


Anonymous said...

The flashback pics are great.. Taki looks like he has lost some weight....

D'Angelo Family said...

So bummed that we didn't sign up for swim class in time! Maybe they will still let us in?

Bill and Cindy said...

What a great picture of Taki and Niko before the swim lesson!