Saturday, September 20, 2008

Can't We All Just Get Along?

Here's a quick update for all those that have been asking how this pregnancy is going compared to the last one. Sixteen weeks in and I have finally stopped puking up all of my meals, thanks to a lovely drug called Zofran. I have gotten sick a few times when I missed the window to take the pill (I really need to take it as soon as I start to feel nauseous) but I haven't puked in any expensive purses - yes Uncle Ray, I puked in my $900 -- that I did not pay full price for! -- purse. Other than that I am just exhausted and of course using the pregnancy as an excuse for everything. Of course, I told Taki I couldn't clean the bathroom because I shouldn't be near any cleaning products and he snidely pointed out that all of the Method cleaning products are non-toxic. Blast that green company!

On to the fun stuff, I don't think I detailed this yet on the blog as it is a mouthful but after Nikos was born and spent time in the NICU I was diagnosed with Neonatal Allo Immune Thrombocytopenia (NAIT.) Yes, superfun. To explain it as simply as possible, my platelets don't get along with Taki's platelets, in fact, they are such mortal enemies that my platelets develop antibodies against Taki's platelets. Perfect. So when Niko was born he ended up with warring Montague vs Capulet platelets. Luckily his platelets dropped a bunch but then made a recovery on their own so he didn't need a transfusion. 

Are you still with me here? When we were in the NICU they told me about this NAIT that I had and advised us to go to Genetic Counseling before we had any more children. Of course, three days after a labor of pushing for almost 4 hours and then ending up in the NICU, you can imagine how much credence I put into anything that involved me having another child anytime soon. Fast forward one year and one positive pregnancy test later and Taki saying "weren't we supposed to see some counselor before this happened?" Ha. 

Anyway, sorry to keep this long story long. Last week Taki and I both had a crapload of blood drawn, mine so they could confirm the NAIT diagnosis and Taki's so they could check to see if he was homozygous (all of the same "bad" platelets) or heterozygous (some platelets what would "get along" with mine.) We are expecting the test results this coming Monday. If Taki is homozygous I will most likely have to go on a weekly IV to lower my antibodies so baby #2 doesn't have as bad of a reaction after birth. If Taki is heterozygous then we do an amnio to see if baby #2 got the "good" platelets = no IV or the "bad" platelets = IV. Whew. Basically I am not too worried. I figure this is already more than we knew with Niko so we are ahead of the game. 

On to the fun stuff! 

Friday Nikos and I headed in to Walnut Creek for my 16 week doctor's appointment. My parents met us at Kaiser and my dad watched Niko while my mom came in with me to hear the heartbeat. Everything is looking good so far with the baby. I thought I would have a sonogram picture to post but I guess we will have to wait for the big ultrasound in three weeks!

After the doctor Nikos and I met up with Gail and Brayden for lunch at Tomatina. After a few minor tableside disasters that involved an entire glass of spilt ice tea and flying fruit (yes, Taki's teaching Niko to play catch and he seems to be constantly practicing, apparently the need for a ball in the equation is not apparent to him) we were able to enjoy a delicious lunch. After cleaning up and apologizing to our fellow diners we headed over to Giggle to browse the baby supplies.

Here Niko tries out a glider. You can see how happy he is to have the chair all to himself. (Yes, that would be foreshadowing my friends.)

This is the look I got when I told him he was going to share the chair with Brayden. (And before you get to the pictures let me just add a note that Nikos is 15.5 months old and Brayden is 7.5 months.)

It starts out with Niko looking all innocent (and like a lazy slug)...

Hmm, when caught by the camera it looks like an innocent tap on the cheek. Oh not so my friends.

This is the look I got when I reprimanded him and reminded him that we don't hit our friends.

Attempt #2 for a nice photo. You can tell how thrilled Nikos is...note Gail's hand on the chair, I think she was ready to rescue Brayden should the need arise.


Sarah said...

Brayden is an ox.

Darcy said...

Interesting. Katie was in the NICU because they said my blood type did not mix with Kevin's and I passed her anti bodies to her own blood. But I never got any official diagnosis or heard any long fancy medical terms like yours. I must ask about this....anyhow, good luck, I KNOW it will all be fine!