Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Notes from the Underbelly

Last Friday I am passing a coworker on my way back from a late lunch. Let me set the scene for you.

Heather, carrying bag of appetizers for EBHH, walking back towards the office, nonchalantly nibbling on my Auntie Annie's cinnamon sugar pretzel stix. Some may say I was woofing them down, but if so, the woofing was well deserved, I waited until 4pm to eat lunch!

She-Who-Will-Not-Be-Named Coworker walking towards me, leaving work.

Heather: Hi ****.
SWWNBN: Are you pregnant AGAIN?
Heather: Uh, yeah?

I mean, what was that? Did she assume I was pregnant again because I was shoving the fabulously delicious cinnamon sugar goodness in my mouth? Was my belly sticking out? I actually looked down at my shirt to see if I was wearing my "Knocked Up" shirt, but no, regular shirt. OH WAIT, I FORGOT THE BEST PART. SWWNBN has two children that were born in the SAME YEAR. Yes, same year people. As in less than 11 months apart. I wanted to tell her that she who is in a glass house shouldn't throw stones...but my mouth was full.

1 comment:

Darcy said...

"But my mouth was full"....LOL!!