Monday, September 22, 2008

The Best Things Come in Small Packages

Last Friday Niko had his 15-Month Check-Up. He is still clocking in on the small side - 29.5 inches for height and 19.9 lbs. He did impress the doctor with his pipes since I had packed the day with fun and caused him to miss his nap, and therefore scream whenever the doctor wanted to evaluate him. Since he had fallen off the chart for weight the doctor wanted to test his blood again for TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone.) Yup, turns out his count is above the value again, so it looks like we'll wait to hear from the Endocrinologist to see what she says. We'll keep you posted!


The Roberts Family said...

looks like he is practicing for the GIANTS in those photos. Swing, batta batta swing!

Nick, Jocelyn and Kevin said...

He looks like he's shaking the maraccas (sp?) - so cute!

Sarah said...

How are the noggin stats?

Anonymous said...

hmmm somebody took my comment, but I'll say it anwyays - he totally looks like he's shaking the maracas - too cute!