Friday, September 17, 2010

Happy Friday!

I thought it may turn out to be a L-O-N-G day since I resorted to a bath to kill time at 8:30 AM!

After Olive's 3.5 hour nap (9-12:30) we had lunch and then I decided to venture over to the Y to take advantage of their childcare program (for the first time.) Sadly they closed at 2:30 so I needed to do a quick workout!

Hello elliptical!

After a quick half hour workout ( calorie burnoff = approx 1/2 maitai) we headed over to Habitot.

Giant astronaut backpack.

Face painting by Nikos.

Budding artist (with pink heart facepaint by me & abstract blue blob by N.)

Trains are always a big hit.

At the car wash.

In the garden.

We packed in a lot of I just have to fit in some time to clean the house!

- Posted using BlogPress from Heather's iPhone

Location:Downtown Berkeley

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