Friday, January 29, 2010

Warning - Huge Dork Alert

Twice a year, thanks to our fabulous husbands who watch the kids, Mel and I sneak off to scrapbook for a weekend. I know, we're dorks. The way it works is we hole up in a hotel in luxurious Fremont (insert sarcasm here for those not familiar with the Bay Area) and we basically gossip, eat junk food and scrapbook from Friday until Sunday. The weekend is organized by a woman so we really don't have to do anything except eat the food and have fun. We have a fabulous time, staying up late, sleeping in, oh and actually scrapbooking too.

In order to prove that we did more than eat/sleep/get massages/go in the hot tub/enjoy (free) cooked breakfasts - here are a few of the pages I did. I'm working on Nikos' 1st year album while Mel is working on Kira's.

And here's a cute shot that Taki sent me of the kids while I was away. They went for a walk in the single stroller (we've been using the double) and Nikos got to try out the little step for the first time. Apparently it (the addition of the step to the stroller) was a little hard for Taki to maneuver...this could be the reason I bought it for such a reasonable price on Craigslist. Ha! I'll have to try it out and see how it works for me.


Brenda B. said...

SWEET pages! Oh and I have that "car" paper and have never used it... now I have a few ideas totally plagiarized from you :)

Sara said...

sounds awesome... not dorky at all! ;)