Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Christmas Day (Finally!)

Sorry that we are so behind on blogs. Somehow we pissed off the AT&T gods and our internet was down for a week. AAAHHHH. Now back to your regularly scheduled blog.

Christmas morning we woke up around 7 to a blowout for Nikos - Merry Christmas. Luckily he wasn't that tuned in to Santa yet so I was able to give him a quick bath before we went out to see what Santa left us. Here's a cute video of the big reveal.

Nikos was a great big brother helping Olive open (and play with) all of her gifts. He even told us that some of the gifts that Santa left for Olive were actually for him...but he would let her play with them. What a guy.

Nikos shows off his stocking - somewhere the child of a thief is enjoying the same Nikos stocking.

Checking out their gifts.

Here's a video of the "big" gift from Santa - a racetrack! Taki commented that somewhere it was also making the child of a degenerate very happy (since it was one of our stolen items.)

After playing with the toys at our house we packed the kids up and headed out to Grammy and Pop-Pop's house.

Uncle Vernie, Mason and a very unhappy - yet totally adorable - little gingerbreadwoman.

Playing with her new stackers from the Roberts family.

Flashback to 2007 and Nikos on Christmas Eve...

Checkin out Mason's cute pjs.

Olive and Pop-Pop.

Family photo attempt (with Grammy taking the pic - we need to get that camera set up on auto next year!)
And Grammy and Pop-Pop with all of the grandkids.

After Christmas morning presents and breakfast at my parents house we headed back to our house to relax and then had Taki's mom, sister, brother-n-law and my parents come over for dinner. Sadly, this is the only shot I got of the night - Aunt Annette and the kids.


alina said...

cute! I love the "thank you santa"

Hap and Sue said...

It looks and sounds like you had a great Christmas -- we did too! Glad that you got your internet problems worked out so that you can get back on the ball with your posts -- I really thought you were slacking there for awhile!!

Sarah said...

Niko was so sweet!!!!