Monday, January 18, 2010

Paparazzi and Resolutions

Last week Nikos walked into the room, spotted Olive playing on the carpet and yelled "Momma, I'm gonna hold Olive, take a picture." Ha!

And now, without further adieu, the Romios family Resolutions for Twenty Ten.

Finish the Greek cd - here he is referring to the Rosetta Stone software (I know you've seen it at the mall kiosks!) that my parents got us (at our request) a few Christmases ago. I am hoping this bodes well for the trip I want to take to Greece in 2012. Twenty Twelve people.

And that's all I got. What? He has to "think about it". And keep in mind, I am writing this post on January 18th, it's not like I am demanding a bunch of answers from him on the 1st day of the year. Hmph.

Exercise more - here's something original. Of course, keeping in mind that the last time I really exercised (besides walking) was Memorial Day weekend 2008 in Tahoe with the D'Angelo's, "more" should be a piece of cake. In fact, during the Memorial Day workout, I distinctly remember telling Katie "Before I get pregnant again I want to start working out so I can be back to my pre-baby weight with Nikos. In fact, I want to try and work out throughout the pregnancy since I didn't do that with Nikos." HA! For those keeping up, I was pregnant about 10 days later. Damn drinks in Aruba.

Have more date nights - we've resumed the babysitting swap with our neighbors and have already gone on one dinner and movie date on a weeknight. Wahoo! PS - I am sure this one dovetails with the "Save Money" one that Taki wanted to say out loud but didn't because he knows I would give him "the look".

Keep traveling (with and without the kids) - coming off a year that included a maternity leave (and especially this last one!) is going to be a tough act to follow. We drug those kids everywhere! While this year won't be as packed, we do still already have some plans in the works including Spring Training in AZ in March and Palm Springs for Thanksgiving. Also on the horizon is a five year anniversary trip (for just Taki and I) that is currently in the planning stages. Of course, my planning stage involves Costa Rica and Taki's planning stage probably involves somewhere MUCH more local, so you'll have to stay tuned to see how this one turns out.

Purge some of our stuff - I mean, even though our house grew a 207 square feet in 2007, it is still tiny. Enough said.

Run a marathon - did you just do a double take and think you accidentally popped over to Katie's blog? Yes, I am going to attempt to run the Rock n Roll Marathon in Seattle with Mel on June 26th. Yes, I've done my research. Apparently a few of the keys to accomplishing your resolutions is have a partner in them (check) and make them public (check.) We'll see.

That's all for now. I'll make sure to keep you posted (get it, posted, ha ha!) if Taki comes up with any more.


Amber Carter said...

Hi, Heather! Just had to comment to say that Olive is soooo dang cute. Also, read you are going to try to run a marathon... good luck! You're more woman than I am... ;)

heather said...

Taki says save money!!

Bill and Cindy said...

Good luck with all of your resolutions. I gave up making them after I made the same one (Send out birthday cards on time) year after year and never carried through.

Love it that Nikos is posing and asking that you take his picture. You've trained him well.

Sarah said...

Misprint: These were your resolutions from 2008! silly girl.