Friday, January 15, 2010

The Day After Christmas

Every year my parents take us to a play (or some other similar form of entertainment) to celebrate Christmas. This year they decided to mix it up a little bit and include the grandkids. The day after Christmas we headed out to Sunol for their annual holiday light train. We all had a great time and the kids loved it!

The Romios family arrived first (who knew!) and waited in our car for everyone else to arrive since a) it was cold and b) it was a little drizzly. Since Nikos was still high off the Christmas spirit he had eschewed his nap for the day and had coincidentally fallen asleep in the car on the way out to Sunol. In order to occupy Olive while we were waiting for everyone else to arrive we did what every good parent what do - bribe her with her first candy cane!

Let's just say she was a fan!

Waiting for the train.

Here are some fun pics of us on the train.

Sadly I didn't get good shots of my dad (or the train.)

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